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Melanie Letore

Melanie Letore

Quebec Day 32 – Thank you Quebec

Today I leave Quebec. Immense thanks to VU Photo and Street Level Photoworks for supporting me. Thank you to Anne-Marie, Fanny, Hubert, David, Claudie, Charles, Denis and André for making me feel welcome and nurturing my development. A bientôt!
October 31, 2017
Melanie Letore

Quebec Day 24

When two friends visited me at home in 2014, there was mist over Lake Geneva for the whole week, blocking the Alps from view. My friends joked that I had lied to them about living next to the Mont Blanc. The ominous absence of mountains deeply unsettled me. This morning, for a few minutes, I couldn't see the mountains North-East…
October 23, 2017

Quebec Day 22

"Le cerveau humain est un accumulateur de nostalgies Parfois, après avoir raconté des histoires de dodo à mes deux enfants, je quitte le Québec dans les bras de Morphée et je retourne dans mon village. Peut-être ai-je commencé à ressentir ce que nos anciens pensaient être "l'appel du placenta", cette nostalgie qui pousse parfois les déplacés de la planète à…
October 21, 2017