Listen back to Bertrand Carrière's talk on his series 'Don't go to Glasgow!', recorded at the Street Level Photoworks exhibition opening, 22nd September 2018.
I'm in the process of editing the work for the upcoming Lightwaves shows in Glasgow at Street Level Photoworks ( September 22) and in Québec at Vuphoto (October 26). I'm happy with what I'm discovering in all the images, from portraits to landsacpes and street scenes. My goal is to make these two presentations different, with a specific selection of…
La seule façon d’être fidèle au Temps, écrit Balthazar, est d’intercaler les réalités, car en chaque point du Temps les possibilités sont infinies dans leur multiplicité. Vivre c’est choisir. Perpétuellement réserver son jugement, perpétuellement choisir. Balthazar, Laurence Durell C’est fini. Où est vraiment la fin ? Les appareils sont rangés, la valise est faite. Je quitte l’Écosse dans quelques…
It’s the end. Or is it really ? The cameras have been tucked away, my suitcase is ready. I’m leaving Scotland in a few days. I’m happy to head home, the residency is an intense creative experience. But I’m also sad to leave this working state of grace and Scottish life. I’ve integrated a daily life in my neighborhood of…
This residency has almost come to a close. This will probably be my last post. My bottle of Glenrothes is almost empty. A good deal of the work has been accomplished and I’m quite proud of what I've got. Remember what filmmaker Peter Wintonick said: “It’s not about getting what you want, it’s about wanting what you get”. Of the…
Voici qu’est déjà arrivée la fin, ou presque. Ma bouteille de Glenrothes est presque finie. La grande partie du travail est accompli et j’en suis fier. Je me souviens encore de ce disait le réalisateur Peter Wintonick : «Ce n’est pas tant important d’obtenir ce que l’on veut, mais bien de vouloir ce que l’on obtient». Des portraits, je retiens qu’ils…
Il y a des choses dans la vie, des peurs, qu’il faut vaincre, en prenant le dragon de face. C’est ce que j’ai fait en louant une voiture et en partant seul vers l’Isle de Skye dans les Highlands. J’ai traversé une bonne partie du pays. Conduire seul, à gauche, dans une série de routes très étroites, en lacets, durant…
There are things in life, fears that must be overcome, taking the dragon by the horns, head on. This is what I did when renting a car and driving off, alone, to the Isle of Skye in the Highlands. I travelled across a good part of the country, driving alone in my BMW, on the left hand side of the…
I work just about every day. I feel at peace in this city, secure and relaxed. It's a great city, very hustle and bustle, full of cultural activity. The people are very nice and simple, the town is laid back. I feel at home. Yesterday was my birthday. We had a small party at the flat. People from the Street…